Where can we get the ingredients ?


Of course, if you travel to Japan, you can get Japanese ingredients cheaply.

But we can’t go to Japan so many times.

Where can you get Japanese ingredients overseas?



I get Japanese ingredients from ” Amazon “.

Many are a little more expensive than you can get in Japan, but you can get many kinds of ingredients here.

Japanese food store

There are several Japanese food specialty stores in large cities. In the UK some are in London.

Asian supermarket

There are Asian supermarkets in many cities. There aren’t many, but you can get some Japanese ingredients in it.

AsianFoodLovers DE ( Germany )

Big supermarket

You can get some Japanese ingredients at the big grocery shop. However, the numbers are very small and you can only get popular ingredients.

ocado ( United Kingdom )

Tesco Groceries ( United Kingdom )

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Author of this article

This blog was created with the concept of having many people enjoy Japanese cuisine overseas. Here are some simple Japanese recipes. In addition to that, I would like to tell everyone that Japanese ingredients are available overseas. And I want to spread the fun of Japanese culture to the world.


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